Everything you need to ensure a FUN summer of learning for your student at an affordable price!

Summer Enrichment Camp
Our Summer Enrichment Camp will be held from Monday, June 2nd- Friday, August 1st, for a total of 8 weeks (no camp the week of June 30th-July4th). You can choose to enroll your student for the full 8 weeks of summer, or you can pick the week(s) that fit your vacation schedule and child's interest!
We have put a lot of thought and effort into ensuring our camp is a FUN experience for our students and an affordable option for our parents. Register for all 8 weeks of summer and the weekly rate is only $180/week. Register for any single week and the rate is $200/week. We offer a 10% discount for siblings, school employees, military, and first responders.
Our camp is truly one-of-a-kind, as the cost of all field trips and in-house activities are included in the cost of tuition! PLUS our camp is a full-day from 10am-3pm* Monday-Friday, AND students will engage in a variety of academic, STEAM, and social emotional learning activities each week!
This camp is geared towards students entering Kindergarten-8th grade. Students will be separated by age with a maximum 1:15 teacher-student ratio. High school students interested in earning community service hours as a Teacher Assistant should complete a contact form on the Home page.
Click here to register for our Summer Enrichment Camp once you have read the policies below.
*Drop-off at 7:30am and pick-up by 5:30pm available for an additional weekly fee of $50/student.

Summer Enrichment Academy
Designed to provide the targeted academic tutoring support your student needs to fill their gaps, review content and standards they didn't master in their previous school year, prevent a "summer slide", and prepare them to start their next school year on the right track! This program is also perfect for students performing above grade level looking to deepen their comprehension of advanced skills not offered in their regular classroom.
Our Summer Enrichment Academy will be held virtually Monday-Thursday from June 2nd through July 31st. Each private tutoring session is one hour and taught by a certified teacher. We provide tutoring support for Reading, Writing, and Math. Each student will complete a diagnostic assessment in the subject area(s) they will receive tutoring support, and we will use these results to curate a personalized learning path to guide our instruction.
Students must attend a minimum of 4 tutoring sessions, and you can choose the available day/time that fits your schedule and child's extracurricular activities/camps. A single weekly session costs $50/hour; 2+ weekly tutoring sessions cost $40/hour. ​
Click here to register for our Summer Enrichment Academy once you have read the policies below .
We provide a 10% discount for siblings, military, school employees, first responders, and for any students enrolled in our Summer Enrichment Camp.